Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Just Add Circles

The title “Just Add Circles” is my reaction to a recent online design trend that includes groupings of concentric circles as a pattern. Anyway, I played with circles inside circles, but I made it my own. Also, I drew vertical lines to break up my shapes as a positive/negative space game – if you will. I rendered the piece with graphite on Reeves BFK paper. It is a rag paper that can take a lot of abuse.

This is one of several pieces that I created using current Internet themes. I used different media for each work. They were all completed for a group show last summer.

graphite on paper, 19.875" x 25.875"


  1. I really like this piece, it has a vintage feel to it. like the designs that used to be on dresses and wall paper.

  2. Jess:

    Thank you.

    I see what you mean. Op Art has influenced several of the pieces I've made.

    Mo : )
